Five Ways To Cheer Yourself Up

Hi Prepsters,

As you may have noticed I like to focus on positivity on my blog, and hopefully inspire you guys to live the best life that you can. However, sometimes we all experience times when we feel down, or a little bit depressed. I created a list of five things that cheer me up and hopefully they can do the same for you!

1. Think of a fun (funny) memory

Whenever I feel low I like to think of something funny that has happened to me, or a moment that brought me pure happiness. My best friend and I used to go to the park in the summer and take really stupid photos of ourselves. I sometimes  look back at them and instantly chuckle ( I thought I would share one with you guys)


2. Do something nice for someone else

Happiness is contagious, and bringing joy to someone else's life can have a tremendous affect on your own. Whether its volunteering your time, shovelling the neighbours driveway, or buying a coffee for the person behind you in line, kind gestures can be some of the most rewarding.


3. Take some time for yourself

Whenever I feel overwhelmed the most important thing I can do is to calm down, and give myself a couple of minutes. I sometimes walk to a local cafe and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, then focus back on work after. I have found this technique to not only help me produce better work, but it has also lowered my anxiety levels. 


4. Write Down Three Things You're Thankful For

At night I like to write down three positive things that have happened during the day in a journal I keep beside my bed. Science shows that gratitude is important for how good we feel socially, and psychologically. It raises our overall satisfaction with life and helps us have an overall positive outlook. 


5. Talk about it!

Never be afraid to ask for help, or talk to a friend about what's on your mind. At times we put up a front of happiness when we're feeling sad, and its okay not be okay. Talking to others can add a perspective to your thinking, and be helpful especially when it comes to problem solving. 



Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention