My Break From Social Media
Hi Everyone!
I wanted to address my four month break from social media. I’ve limited my search engine optimization for this post because I want this to be something directly for those who are on my site, or just want to listen.
The past few months have been difficult for many reasons, the first was my grandmothers passing. A few years back my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and she was lucky enough to have it found early on. After almost a year of chemo, the cancer was in remission and we were all thrilled.
Unfortunately, the cancer returned and by the time it was detected, it had spread throughout my grandmothers body. The doctors gave my grandmother three months, but she lived for a year. It was a very painful year for my grandmother, specifically in her last six months. We all watched helplessly as she went from being her happy, spunky, and nurturing self, to someone who was slowly fading away.
My grandmother was one of the few people I felt connected to in my life, and losing her left a strange void in me.
I also have been feeling lost in regard with The Prep Gal.
The blog has been great, and I have had the opportunity to meet amazing people, correspond with many of you lovely readers, and it has opened doors that I never thought were possible.
But I also felt like I wasn’t being completely authentic. My Instagram followers and blog readers (sorry friends) only got to see one part of my life. The part that always had makeup on, attending events, while wearing carefully coordinated outfits. The majority of my life was very different. I was a university student, struggling with my mental health, wearing hoodies, sneakers, having my hair in a bun, while trying to get through my day. I’m not saying I was faking my outfits for posts, but I felt like I was only showing a very small part of my life. I will now show more about who I am, and I think this post is a good start.
Before I get into calling out a certain group of fashion and beauty influencers , I wanted to say that Toronto has one, if not the best, body-positive communities. They are an amazing group of people that believe in empowerment and treat everyone with kindness. If you aren’t following them already, please take the time to do so (the list will be at the bottom). I also have made some amazing friends in the fashion community that are just inspiring, intelligent, and genuine. They make me a better content creator, and I have looked up to them for years. (List of my favourite content creators will also be at the bottom)
And then there are approximately 10% of the fashion, and I would say 30% of the makeup community that are terrible people. They are judgmental, condescending, entitled, and often times just straight up rude to people for no reason. There is a level of cattiness and drama that I have seen within the fashion and makeup community that feels like the set of Mean Girls. The common factor for these people is that they’re very self-absorbed, secretly insecure, and enjoy drama. I have limited going to events, to try and avoid contact with these people because it really is draining.
I also believe that people in both the fashion and beauty community can fix this toxicity by being aware. Stop inviting problematic people to events, don’t listen to gossip, stand up for injustice, and celebrate each other’s talents. We have a lot more in common than we all think.
I also wanted to apologize to my readers and followers. I have received countless emails and messages asking me if I was okay, and this is the response I have been wanting to give, but had trouble articulating. Thank you for supporting me, and sticking by me.
You will be seeing more content soon.
The Toronto Body Positive Community
(Sorry If I Missed Anyone)
Toronto Content Creators
(Sorry If I missed anyone)
Awkward First Fashion Week